Gravesham Industrial Background

Pollutant Band Concentration Period Last updated
Nitric oxide (NO) Not applicable No data hourly mean 07/03/2024 11:00
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Not available No data hourly mean 07/03/2024 11:00
Nitrogen oxides as nitrogen dioxide (NOXasNO2) Not applicable No data hourly mean 07/03/2024 11:00
PM10 particulate matter (Grav Equiv) Not applicable No data 24 Hour mean 16/12/2023 02:00
Information: Move mouse over graph to see dates, times and data labels.
Pollutants shown in graph
Parameter Parameter Name
NO Nitric oxide
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide
NOXasNO2 Nitrogen oxides as nitrogen dioxide
SO2 Sulphur dioxide
PM10 PM10 Particulate Matter

Site Information
Altitude Not Available
Coordinates (Lat/Long) 51.444999, 0.332033
Environment Type Urban background: An urban location distanced from sources and therefore broadly representative of city-wide background conditions e.g. urban residential areas.
Kerb Distance Not Available
Height Metres
Site Comments Lawn High School High Street Northfleet
Parameter Date Started Date Ended
Nitric oxide 01/01/1999 -
Nitrogen dioxide 01/01/1999 -
Nitrogen oxides as nitrogen dioxide 01/01/1999 -
Sulphur dioxide 02/01/1999 03/09/2003
PM10 particulate matter (Grav Equiv) 02/01/1999 -
Gravesham Industrial Background site: Site view
Gravesham Industrial Background site: North view
Gravesham Industrial Background site: East view
Gravesham Industrial Background site: South view
Gravesham Industrial Background site: West view